Monday, July 22, 2024

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Mercedes Martinez Crowned Interim ROH Women’s Champion

ROH is back!

The promotion has returned with its Supercard of Honor event after being on hiatus since the end of 2021. Deonna Purrazzo is the current ROH Women’s World Champion but thanks to a scheduling conflict, Purrazzo will be in action for IMPACT’s Multiverse of Matches on the same night. With this in mind, Tony Khan booked Mercedes Martinez to face Willow Nightingale to determine an Interim ROH Women’s Champion.

As the match approaches its finish, both women meet on the middle rope as Martinez uses her forearms to the back of Willow. Martinez hits the Razor’s Edge and gets a near fall. Afterward, Martinez finds herself in the tree of woe in the corner where Willow hits a splash before executing a moonsault. Willow goes for the cover but still only gets a near fall. Willow goes for a gut-wrench powerbomb but Martinez slides out and locks in a dragon sleeper for the submission victory.

Prior to this match, it was confirmed that Martinez will eventually face Deonna Purrazzo. More to come on this future match-up.

ROH was excelling in building its women’s division before the company went on hiatus. Maria Kanellis Bennet was putting together a fantastic group of women that had a tournament to crown Rok-C as the inaugural champion and Women Division Wednesdays.

Check back with Diva Dirt for further news and results from the ROH promotion.

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