Monday, July 22, 2024

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Mickie James And Chelsea Green Fight (And Kiss) It Out On IMPACT!

On this week’s episode of IMPACT!, the saga continues between former best friends who turned into bitter rivals as Mickie James and Chelsea Green went one-on-one. The match started paying homage to James’ rivalry with Trish Stratus as the two would kiss each other.

Both Knockouts didn’t hold back during the match and at one point they found themselves at the top of the ramp. Green drove James into the big screen with James bouncing back with a swift right hand to the face.

Once back in the ring, James connects with the Mick Kick but is unable to get the pin as Green’s ring awareness causes her to grab ahold of the bottom rope to break the count. Green stomps on James and tries to cheat with a handful of tights but the referee caught her. The official wouldn’t catch her next time as Green counters the Mick-DT and uses the ropes as leverage to roll up James to get the victory.

Last week, the tag team champions had a conversation about visiting the Undead Realm to get Havok back. Havok has been missing since she lost to Masha Slamovich in quick fashion many weeks ago. Since that time, Taya Valkyrie has reunited with Rosemary and the two became Knockouts World Tag Team Champs after dethroning The Influence last month.

Rosemary and Valkyrie take their trip to the Undead Realm with Valkyrie saying it was more damp than she thought it would be. After some screams took place, Rosemary insured the safety of Valkyrie and while she was explaining the Undead Realm to her, Valkyrie wandered off. She found a white light that led her to a new place. This is where she ran into Havok, or did she?

Rosemary realized that Valkyrie had wandered off through the white light and joined her. She would come up behind Havok but Valkyrie introduced her as Jessica instead. Jessica sported some pink hair and didn’t have the Havok monstrous look we have grown to know of her.

It appears we are going the same route as we did when Susie from Su Yung. Jessica being the first name of Havok that she primarily has used on the indies.

As mentioned earlier, Havok lost to Slamovich which took her away into the Undead Realm it seems. Since then Slamovich has continued her path of destruction taking on Alisha afterward. Now she has targeted Tenille Dashwood. Once again, Slamovich makes short work of her opponent and has taken down another former champion. Dashwood fell quickly to the Snowplow and Slamovich is 12-0.

Jordynne Grace and Mia Yim were not on this week’s show but they will be battling for the Knockouts World Champion as Grace defends it at Emergence. That event takes place on August 12.

A new vignette aired for Killer Kelly showing she is coming soon. This was confirmed last week.

Check back in with Diva Dirt for more news and results from the Knockouts of IMPACT!

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