Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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Mickie James Speaks on Status of Separated Shoulder, Says She’s Having a Blast in TNA

Number one contender for the Knockouts Championship, Mickie James spoke to Busted Open this week about her match with Madison Rayne this Sunday, the status of her separated shoulder and much more. We have a few highlights:

Speaking on the match this Sunday and her shoulder injury, Mickie says:

“I’m really excited about it. I’m going in there with a separated shoulder and hopefully be able to tough through the match.

I’m feeling better every day honestly and trying to get more range of motion back and I definitely hope physically to be 100%. I don’t think my shoulder will be 100% but luckily it’s my left shoulder and I’m a righty, so that kind of helps.”

James also commented on Edge’s retirement this past Monday on WWE’s Raw show. She said:

“He’s really just a genuinely nice guy. I have nothing but the upmost respect for him and what he’s done in this industry and the legacy he has built for himself. Before him, the whole ladders match thing with him and the Hardy’s and that Edge and Christian phase….that was really a raising the bar level on that whole deal and just everything he’s done since then.

It’s sad that due to injuried he has to retire due to the fact that it has taken a huge toll on his body but at least I think it’s very intelligent of him and it’s a huge pride swallowing thing to recognize the fact that ‘I can’t physically do this, I’m putting my life on the line, it’s not just my body anymore.’. And for him to have to do that and I’m sure its not something that he wanted to do at this moment in time and it was something that we all have to come to terms with, we all can’t wrestle forever…..but I think that he is so talented that theres many other things that he can do that’s gonna continue to keep him out and about and doing things.”

On her time in TNA so far, now that she’s six months or so into her deal, she says she’s having a blast:

“I’m having a blast. It was definitely something that I was still on the fence whether or not I should go or not and what I was going to be able to bring or do that is different than anybody else has already done. It’s been a fun journey, a cool locker room, I’ve made some cool friends and I’ve been able to do some really compelling stuff and raise the bar even for myself. To be able to main event Impact, and do my first cage match, and have a cool storyline with Tara go on to Madison and have a compelling storyline with her as well…..I think it’s really…..brought a different spice to the show. Hopefully, they (TNA) feel the same.”

Thoughts: I think a lot of fans are expecting Mickie to walk away with the Knockouts Championship this Sunday. I just hope her shoulder holds up. Best wishes to her.

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