Thursday, February 6, 2025

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More Impact Taping Spoilers From Last Night

As our source at the scene had to leave the show early, we missed out on these spoilers. But TNA taped another match in addition to the tag team tournament matches.

EDIT: Even more spoilers added! I guess this’ll air over the next two weeks:

Impact - September 10th & 17th, 2009
Alissa Flash vs. Cody Deaner in a lumberjack match features the lumberjacks beating Deaner up then throwing him into the ring so Alissa could pin him. The lumberjacks were Roxxi, Sarita, Tara, Taylor Wilde, Awesome Kong, Traci, Hamada, The Beautiful People, Sojo Bolt, Daffney and Christy Hemme. After the match, ODB comes out and knocks out Deaner. [Source: Wrestling News World]

– Tara vs. Cody Deaner in a Mixed Martial Arts rules match is up next. MMA rules mean rope breaks. The referee is knocked out. Awesome Kong comes out and gives Tara a splash and Butterfly Buster. The referee comes too and calls for the bell, signaling a TKO. Tara was wearing Tapout shorts, shirt and hat. The Tapout logos had tape covering them.

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