Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Naomi to get her one-on-one match against Sonya Deville on Dec. 10

Naomi is set to finally get her one-on-one match against Sonya Deville.


For months now, Deville has been targeting Naomi making sure that she hasn’t made the easiest transition over to SmackDown. After weeks and weeks wanting to be booked into a match, finally Naomi got her first match back on the blue brand in October. Her opponent was supposed to only be Deville but the WWE Authority booked herself in a handicap match to her advantage as she utilized Shayna Baszler‘s move to the blue brand during the draft. The two defeated Naomi in that 2-on-1 encounter.

Since then, Deville has booked herself as the referee, reversed a Naomi victory against Baszler, and even had a referee do the infamous fast count in her tag team match with Aliyah. Naomi finally won last week teaming with Sasha Banks and now she wants Deville officially one-on-one.

Deville accepted the challenge and stated that Naomi will get her match next week. However, while Deville is wearing a suit as an authority figure, Naomi is not to touch her. This didn’t stop Deville from slapping Naomi who had to hold herself back from fighting back.

Will we actually get Naomi vs. Sonya Deville next week?

Other moments from the SmackDown roster this week included Sasha Banks facing Shayna Baszler. Banks pulled out the win by escaping a Gutwrench where she rolled through and stacked up Baszler to get the pin.

The SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair made her way to the ring to address Toni Storm. Just as what we have seen for the past few week’s, Storm continues to want a match with Flair to which the champ once again says no.

As Flair was leaving and heading up the ramp, Storm was behind her with a pie and smashed it in the champions face. This was payback for Storm after Flair hit her with two pies last week.

Xia Li will be making her debut next week after another vignette aired for her tonight. You can read about that by clicking here.

On 205 Live, Erica Yan faced Ivy Nile looking for her first WWE win. Unfortunately for Yan, she was no match for Nile who locked in a Dragon Sleeper submission for the victory.

Check back in with Diva Dirt for further results from the women’s roster of SmackDown.

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