Monday, January 27, 2025

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Nikki Bella on Renee Young’s ‘Unfiltered’: Talks John Cena, Misconceptions About the Bellas & More

In a special “super sized” edition of Renee Young‘s interview show Unfiltered, Divas Champion Nikki Bella talked about misconceptions about the Bellas, her athletic background, John Cena and her hopes for the future.

Getting into sports as a child: Nikki says her family weren’t really invested in academics during the summer, instead pushing her and Brie into athletic camps. She says she was always competitive as a child and wanted to beat the boys. She says she’d beat every body in her class in arm wrestling except for one, who now plays for the Arizona Cardinals in the NFL.

Fans dismissing the Bellas as “models”: She says she doesn’t understand the “gold digger” and “snob” images some people want to adhere to her and Brie. Her body, she says, was not made to walk down a runway. Nikki says that when she and Brie auditioned for the Diva Search, she was very interested in the wrestling aspect of it. She and Brie would train eight hours in the ring during the day at FCW and go to an additional night class. There was nothing “modelly” about them when they started.

Drawing inspiration from Marilyn Monroe: She says she did nearly every book report in school on Marilyn and can relate to her a lot, as people harbor a lot of misconceptions about her.

Her relationship with John Cena: She’s never been with a man that inspired her and motivated her the way John has. She admits that his sex scene in Trainwreck tripped her out, but she was mostly upset that he hadn’t asked for her opinion before agreeing to do it. She says they talked it out and agreed to never do full nudity in a film. She jokes that she can’t wait for her first sex scene and will make it like Salma Hayek‘s in Desperado.

Plans for the future: Nikki and Brie are working to put together a fitness studio and are in the early stages with it. She says they’re building a “Bella empire”. She also is looking into winemaking and hopes to eventually have her own vineyard. She vows that by 65, her empire will hit $1.1 billion in value.

You can watch the full interview on the WWE Network.

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