Friday, July 26, 2024

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Note on Diva Dirt’s Twitter Page

We’ve had a huge influx of new followers on Twitter this past week (if you’re one of ’em, hey!) and we have definitely found our ‘tweeting’ groove too. As well as writing up full-length blogs at Diva Dirt, we’ve also been posting  alot of news shorts etc. at the Twitter page so it’s well worth checking out and keeping up to date with for even more Diva Dirt-goodness.

If you’re not already following us you can do so at If you’re not a Twitter follower, you can still check out all our updates at the page or to make life even easier for you – you can even check our tweets out in the little widget on the right hand side of this page.

As well as news bits and stuff, over the past few weeks we’ve been tweeting through Raw which we will continue to do, we even tweeted through last night’s TNA Sacrifice pay per view. So if you want up-to-minute thoughts on live, ongoing shows – check out our Twitter or the widget to the right.

We’ll be tweeting through tonight’s Raw, so if you’re following us hit us up with replies and tell us what you think too!

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