Friday, July 26, 2024

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NXT Notes: Kaitlyn Profiled, New Subsite with More Videos & More

Following her debut on last night’s episode of NXT, has now added a profile and studio photos for Rookie Diva, Kaitlyn. As we reported yesterday, Kaitlyn is Ricki Vaughn in FCW and has about 6-7 weeks of experience in developmental.

You can also follow her on Twitter here.

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In case you aren’t satisfied with an hour of NXT every Tuesday night, WWE has launched a new NXT subsite at where there’s even more content for the third season of the show.

Currently, you can check out two installments of ‘Ask the Rookie Divas’, a spin-off of the ‘Ask the Divas’ video clips as well as individual videos on each of the 6 Rookie Divas.

WWE describes the new site saying, “The all-new NXT.WWE.COM features enhanced video quality; Video On Demand highlighting all of the latest WWE NXT matches, video clips and exclusive features available anytime; plus a stunning full-screen mode!”

As has been reported several times, Syfy is set to drop NXT after episode 5 of the current season on October 1st. It looks like this new subsite could be NXT’s new home for the final 7 episodes.

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Finally, you can check out the new title sequence for NXT 3, featuring ‘Make the Rain Fall’ by Kevin Rudolf, below:

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