Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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NXT Spoilers: September 16th – September 30th, 2015

WWE is taping three weeks worth of NXT tonight at Full Sail University. Spoilers below:

Episode 1 (Airing September 16th):
* Bayley defeated Sarah Dobson. Sasha Banks cuts a promo after the match and Bayley vs. Sasha for the title at Takeover in a 30-minute Ironwoman Match is announced to a huge pop.

Episode 2 (Airing September 23rd):
* Eva Marie defeated Carmella by count out. Huge heat for Eva here.

* NXT General Manager William Regal has a desk set up in the ring to introduce Kana. Her new name is Asuka. Emma and Dana Brooke come down to berate her and say they are the ones who run NXT. Asuka leaves sadly.

* Blake and Murphy vs. The Vaudevillians for the NXT Tag Team Titles is next. Blue Pants comes out to chase away Alexa Bliss and make it 2 on 2.

Episode 3 (Airing September 30th):
* Dana Brooke and Emma defeated Peyton Royce and Billie Kay when Dana hit her finisher.


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