Friday, July 26, 2024

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NXT UK Women’s Title Bout Set; Blair Crushes Amale’s Hope

This week’s episode of NXT UK saw the inevitable clash of Blair Davenport vs Amale that has been building for weeks.

Between Davenport’s promise to crush all hope, which Amale took exception to, not to mention her lack of respect for the French Hope has left the two on a collision course. Amale issued the challenge last week and here we are.


Before the match, however, we get a rare press conference segment featuring the two women competing for the NXT UK Women’s Championship next week. Sarray and Satomura have been allies since Sarray’s debut in NXT UK, with Sarray demonstrating the utmost respect to the champion but she wants the title.

Sarray begins by expressing how strong Satomura is as a competitor but she will not just lay down and vows to be NXT UK Women’s Champion. Sarray is sunrise while Satomura is sunset.

The Final Boss seems amused by this statement and reminds us that many have tried to beat her and failed. She recognises that Sarray has the ability to challenge but next week she will once again emerge the strongest.

On to the match, Davenport and Amale initially seem to be weighing each other up until Amale takes control and even attempts an early running boot in the corner, a signature of hers. Davenport dodges this and the tide turns in her favour. Commentary puts over how Amale appears to be trying to keep her cool, her fiery temper apparently giving her a reputation of sorts.

The match spills to the outside with Amale being thrown hard onto the mat before Davenport attempts a cover back in the ring. She doesn’t get the win but Davenport keeps a hold of Amale, wearing her down with some submission holds and a shoulder tackle until she merely grazes Amale with an enzuiguri and hands control back to Amale.

Our French Hope mounts a comeback with some clotheslines and charges Davenport in the corner, going for her bulldog but Davenport breaks free and boots Amale in the face. Trying to capitalise on a stunned opponent, Davenport goes for a foot stomp from the middle rope and misses. In a flashback to her injury, Davenport seems to tweak her ankle but barely has time to register the pain before Amale drives her face first into the mat with a second attempt at a bulldog.

Amale only gets a two count on a wounded Davenport who fires back with a vicious roundhouse kick to the side of the head. A frustrated Davenport tries to end it the match with her Falcon Arrow but Amale turns it into a german suplex and follows up with her signature facewash in the corner but it’s still not enough! Rallying the NXT UK crowd behind her, Amale goes for the Hope Breaker but Davenport rolls her up for a two count and then clocks her with a knee to the face.

Davenport catches Amale before she slumps to the floor and puts the finishing touches on the match with her Falcon Arrow, continuing her winning ways since her return.

Immediately following the match, Davenport reiterates that she is back to dominate and warns Meiko Satomura to hold on to the gold because she is coming! Blair. For. The. Gold.

In another Digital Exclusive, the Nina Samuels Show get’s an exclusive with our reigning NXT UK Tag Team Champions who do not seem to appreciate being guests on Samuels’ show or her barging in on them. They do at least answer her question before ushering her out. Fallon Henley stops our gracious host by retrieving her hat, advising Samuels she ‘doesn’t pull it off’.
And lastly, Chase University is going on an overseas field trip! The entire class, including Thea Hail, is coming to NXT UK next week

The NXT 2.0 superstars are seen doing some sightseeing and getting some photos but next week will be all business. Will we see Thea Hail get in the ring with some of our NXT UK superstars?

Authors Take –

I’m a huge fan of Amale and I like Blair Davenport’s in-ring work as well, the two are very solid. This match felt more like a prelude of things to come, I might just be me but expected more fire and animosity throughout but commentary did sell Amale’s attempts to control her temper so I guess a reason was given? I definitely want the two to clash again one on one and take it to the next level. The match was not bad by any means but it felt like it could have been more.

The press conference moment was unique, at least for the women, and I like the big fight feel. From Twitter and Youtube, a lot of people seem excited for this match between the two and I am all for it.

I avoid spoilers for the NXT UK tapings as much as I can so Thea coming to NXT UK is a fun surprise, I really hope she wrestles!

Are you excited about next week’s title match? Let me know in the comments!

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