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NXT Vengeance Day Preview & Predictions: 02.04.23

NXT’s next premium live event takes place today and that is Vengeance Day. This will be big for the current NXT roster as it is the first time they have had a big event outside of the WWE Performance Center for quite some time and placed in front of a bigger audience.

There are two women’s matches set for this event. We have both the NXT Women’s Title and the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles on the line.

First we have the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships on the line as the unlikely duo of Kiana James and Fallon Henley challenge the champs Kayden Carter & Katana Chance. The champs have held the titles for 186, the longest for not only an NXT team but for a main roster team as well. The Kabuki Warriors held the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles for 172 days.

The question is, can James and Henley continue to work well together? Henley has been skeptical of their partnership based on what James’ true intentions are by showing interest in Brooks Jensen. Will we see the emergence of this new team getting their first gold in their WWE careers? Or will the KC’s continue to dominate?


NICK – I have been a big critic of NXT holding back talent for far too long. It is time for some of the talent that have been around for the past five years to finally move up and what better way to do it than have it be tag teams that move up to give us a main roster division that doesn’t even exist? I can see this match going either way, but with WrestleMania right around the corner I do see some shake ups happening soon. Although I feel the KC’s and also Toxic Attraction should be called up already, it may not happen until Stand & Deliver. So for now, the KC’s will retain but will drop at Stand & Deliver.

Winners: Katana Chance & Kayden Carter

COLBY -Kiana James grabbed my attention in the latter half of 2022 before she turned even more heads in the Iron Survivor Challenge. There’s something about her movements in the ring and the way she delivers her promos that I find captivating, so I’ve absolutely loved her storyline with Fallon Henley and the boys. I didn’t expect to see them as unlikely tag partners this soon, but I am all for it. Katana Chance and Kayden Carter have had a fun run, but I wonder if there’s a need to keep them in NXT anymore. The main roster sure could use some tag team depth, so I’m perfectly fine with James and Henley picking up the gold to explore that storyline even further.

Winners: Kiana James and Fallon Henley

GARY – Kiana James stole my heart with her performance at Deadline and I am so happy to see her get another match on one of NXT’s big events. I was initially not sold on her current gimmick but she has won me over and as much as I enjoy Fallon, for me she was falling into the trap of just being there. This tag team/storyline is great for both of them and I can truly see it continuing on but they don’t need the titles just yet. The KC’s are the longest reigning NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions and they’re finally getting the recognition they deserve as a team. I pick The KC’s getting the win after some miscommunication between Henley and James, maybe even Brooks Jensen getting involved to protect James and leaving Henley alone?

Winners: Katana Chance & Kayden Carter

Next, we have the NXT Women’s Title on the line and Roxanne Perez has a tall order in a Triple Threat with her first defense. Since Mandy Rose was released, Toxic Attraction members Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne have wanted to rebuild their empire. They feel that there would be no better way than go after the woman who took Rose’s title and that is Perez.

Throughout this build, Dolin and Jayne have shown multiple cracks in their partnership but in the end, they revealed it was just for show in order to attack and get in the head of Perez. Perez unleashed on the duo this past week as she has shown that she has had enough. Will that fire be brought into this Triple Threat or will the numbers game give either Dolin or Jayne the top gold in the division?


NICK – Much as I said about the KC’s (who yes have been around a lot longer) it is also time for TA to move up. In my opinion, although it is weird to see them without Mandy, they have shown they can carry themselves quite well. After this match with Perez what more could they do in NXT? Not much really. So I expect them to be called up shortly. And because of this, Perez will retain.

Winner – Roxanne Perez

COLBY – Roxanne Perez has her work cut out for her when she defends her title in pseudo-handicap match against Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin. Personally, I don’t think the result is in doubt, but I’m looking forward to the story that they tell in between the ropes. How long will Jayne and Dolin stay on the same page? What if what Jayne said during their “fake” break up was purely from the heart? Jayne seems to be more willing to split than Dolin, so that should be highlighted here. Perez is already having a great start to 2023, and I’m sure she’ll continue that trend by carrying the title into WrestleMania weekend at least.

Winner – Roxanne Perez

GARY – Jacy wins. End of.

No but seriously, this is the perfect first defence for Roxanne as champion. Jayne and Dolin have been excellent on the mic and the perfect instigators to rile up Perez and show her how different her NXT life will be now as champion. I highly doubt Roxanne loses the title here and we will see an interesting dynamic shift between Jayne/Dolin but Perez definitely retains. The heel roster on NXT is far more in depth at the moment with plenty of challengers ready to step up. Roxanne retains. As for what is next for Toxic Attraction, I am hoping they head up to the Main Roster soon, the two are brilliant talents both in-ring and on the mic, the main roster tag division needs them more than NXT does right now.

Winner – Roxanne Perez

Who do you have for today’s matches? And don’t forget to check back in with Diva Dirt tonight for a Discussion Post for Vegeance Day.

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