Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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One Night Only: Knockouts Knockdown 5 Spoilers

Below are spoilers for Impact Wrestling’s One Night Only: Knockouts Knockdown PPV.


* Jeremy Borash introduces the show as 8 prospects will face 8 Impact stars. The winners will meet in an 8 woman tag match at the end of the show. Gail Kim is introduced. She says she isn’t participating, but she’s excited to see the action. Jeremy Borash introduces the competitors one by one and who they will face. He mentions that two prospects are “Wild Cards” as they have wrestled for the company before. Each prospect gets a chance to speak and tell why they are here. Jeremy Borash also mentions that Rachael Ellering is the final prospect, but that she was being tended to by the trainers after a backstage incident. The prospects/wildcards are: KC Quinn (Brandi Lauren), Leva Bates, Amanda Carolina Rodriguez, Alisha, MJ Jenkins, Santana Garret, Rebel, and Rachael Ellering

* Angelina Love defeated KC Quinn.

* Leva Bates defeated Allie after Sienna interfered.

* Diamante (Angel Rose) with LAX defeated Amanda Carolina Rodriguez.

* Rosemary defeated MJ Jenkins.

* Alisha defeated Sienna after Allie provides a distraction.

* Laurel Van Ness defeated Rachael Ellering.

* Wildcard: Santana Garret defeated Brandi Rhodes.

* Wildcard: ODB defeated Santana Garret

* Main Event: Leva Bates, Alisha, Santana Garret, and ODB defeated Laurel Van Ness, Rosemary, Angelina Love, and Diamante. Alisha pins Laurel Van Ness to win.

Post match: Eddie Edwards comes out and congratulates his wife Alisha. He mentions how much he appreciates her putting up with him. He introduces Karen Jarrett who offers Alisha a contract. Alisha signs and is an official part of the Impact roster.


* Laurel Van Ness defeating Rachael Ellering was taped the evening prior to this and will be part of this show


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