Friday, July 26, 2024

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Perfect 10 of 2009: Awesome Kong (#8)

The Perfect 10 is back for a year-end special, counting down the top 10 Divas and Knockouts from the year gone by. Last year, Michelle McCool was #1 on the Perfect 10 of 2008, can she make it a repeat performance? Who has had the most memorable moments & matches of 2009? Check back over the next 10 days to find out how the countdown will unfold!

Going in to 2009, Awesome Kong had everything in her favour — with an amazing 2008 behind her, the Knockouts Championship in her grasp and the formation of her very own faction.

Beginning the year in a feud with Christy Hemme, Kong was due to defend her Knockouts Title against the former Diva Search winner at the January pay per view but a neck injury cut the rivalry short. Then, Kong turned her attention to ODB and Sojo Bolt, whom she made quick work of. Her biggest challenge came next — the eager and hungry Angelina Love and her fellow Beautiful People. The trio had left Kong irate, cutting her hair just days before a triple threat match inside the Six Sides of Steel. At April’s Lockdown, Angelina Love took the title from Kong after defeating her and Taylor Wilde.

After her loss, it seemed as though Kong would show signs of turning babyface, or at least becoming a tweener by teaming up with several babyfaces in her battles against The Beautiful People. However by the summer, Kong and Tara came to blows and continued their rivalry with a series of run-ins and attacks through October’s Bound for Glory pay per view where they were both featured in a title match with ODB. Around this time, Kong and manager Raisha Saeed began having issues resulting in Kong powerbombing Saeed off the side of the stage, effectively writing out that character.

Kong’s feud with Tara then culminated at November’s Turning Point in a Six Sides of Steel grudge match. Tara won the battle and the war.

Despite notable feuds with Angelina Love and Tara, 2009 was a fairly soft year for Kong, a Knockout who dominated the division in 2008. Will 2010 be a return to form?

Check back later today for #7

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