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Perfect 10: Week of September 15th

The Perfect 10 returns! The premise is simple: We will rank the ten Divas or Knockouts who we think have had the best week of television, similar to’s Power 25. Who will make the grade and who will fall short? It’s all new and exclusive only at Diva Dirt!


10. Jacqueline (New Entry)
She is a veteran among both the Divas and Knockouts, Jacqueline makes her first ever Perfect 10 appearance at #10. Aside from having some teeth knocked out (ouch), Jackie made a splash on Impact by getting into it with Hector Guerrero. Next week, she teams up with Beer Money, Inc. in an intergender tag match against LAX and Guerrero.

Erin: It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Jacqueline, so it’s great to see her mixing it up with the guys like she did in the WWE. She’s completely believable in that “tough girl” role, so I’m sure that inter-gender tag will be one to watch.
Melanie: This is the second intergender match with one woman in as many weeks… But still, Jacqueline is still going strong after all these years!

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09. The Beautiful People (New Entry)
Another new entry this week from the TNA Knockouts, the Beautiful People, Angelina Love and Velvet Sky had a rather bad week at the hands of the Knockouts Champion, Taylor Wilde. But all the while, impressing us viewers!

Erin: I guess two heads aren’t better than one. I think in this case, Love and Sky need to get their act together – having Taylor outsmart the two of them makes them look rather weak. Maybe they need to divide and conquer?
Melanie: Sure they always lose, but they’re highly entertaining.

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08. Candice Michelle (New Entry)
After dropping off last week’s chart, Candice Michelle is back this time at #8. Candice scored an impressive win over Jillian on Raw, kicking things into gear for her big Women’s Championship match at No Mercy.

Erin: She’s not afraid of Beth, clearly, so hopefully there’s more interaction between the two leading up to No Mercy. Sadly, beating Jillian isn’t that big of a deal these days, which is nothing against Candice – a win’s a win.
Melanie: The build up to the No Mercy match hasn’t been great so far, I’m hoping it picks up because SmackDown has had a hot Divas Championship feud and that title doesn’t have the prestige of this one.

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07. Layla (Last Week: #9)
Moving two spots to this week’s #7 is the gorgeous Layla. Layla’s promo skills were on fine form as she so dubiously dumped Jamie Noble in favour of the King of the Ring, William Regal.

Erin: I’m excited to see where this goes – heel managers interest me, so hopefully she’ll find a way to weasel her way into the action. If she’s not wrestling, at least have her be more instrumental as Regal’s arm candy.
Melanie: Layla is the only Diva in WWE being booked interestingly, if you ask me.

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06. Taylor Wilde (Last Week: #10)
#10 can usually be a precarious position but not for the Knockouts Champion, Taylor Wilde as she jumps four spots from last week’s 10 to this week’s #6. The youngest Women’s Champion in TNA and WWE history scored a win over Angelina Love at No Surrender and then pinned her partner, Velvet Sky in tag team action on Impact too!

Erin: She’s showing her talent and babyface resiliency in defeating the two of them, but hasn’t that been done sooo many times? I want to root for her, but it’s a little too generic for me. Taylor can keep winning (like she obviously is), but unless she’s given more of a character boost, she’s not going to be holding my interest as the Knockout Champ.
Melanie: I feel Taylor is TNA’s answer to Michelle and not just because they look similar and wear similar attire. Taylor keeps getting win after win like Michelle used to, without showing much personality. Michelle has come into her own in recent months and I hope Taylor will too, but her title reign is lackluster and the fans aren’t really into her.

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05. Beth Phoenix (Last Week: #5)
Staying put at #5 is Beth Phoenix this week! The Glamazon had an interesting week on Raw when she sized up against the likes of JBL, Randy Orton and Batista – now there’s a Diva!

Erin: I love when the girls can step up to the guys – the “powers that be” obviously aren’t going to risk making their money makers (like Batista) look weak, but just seeing Beth unafraid of him is impressive. I love how she obviously wears the pants in her relationship with Santino – now there’s a way to boost the value of the Women’s Championship – make your champ look strong! She may have looked cowardly in the face of Candice, but the Animal isn’t striking fear in her heart, for whatever reason..
Melanie: Yeah I didn’t get the booking either: weak against Candice but strong against Batista?

More after the cut:

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04. Maryse (Last Week: #4)
Also staying put at #4 is the ‘Sexiest of the Sexy’, Maryse. Despite a second successive loss, Maryse was in championship action this week on SmackDown and delivered a showstopping match with Michelle. Where will her opponent rank?

Erin: Her and Michelle are putting out great matches, so win or loss, both sides benefit. It looks like this feud may keep on going, so if Maryse can further develop her heel persona and her polished ground game, she’s solid. Maybe she’ll be the Divas Champion yet..
Melanie: Just when you thought Maryse’s push was over, she goes and delivers one hell of a match. She’s shown so much promise already and has to be a future Divas Champion.

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03. Brie Bella (Last Week: #1)
Last week’s #1 falls two places to this week’s #3. After rising week-on-week, Brie Bella wasn’t in a match situation this week but had an impressive backstage segment with Maria, Victoria and Natalya. Next week, she has the opportunity to move back up in tag team action.

Erin: It’s getting interesting! Victoria looks kind of dopey having not caught on yet, but if she and Natalya bully Brie into revealing her secret, you have the makings of an entertaining tag team feud. The BFFs vs. the Bella Twins? That could be pretty cool.
Melanie: Brie impressed me a lot this week, but it just wasn’t enough to stand up to the #2 and #1 spots. Her promo skills were great.

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02. Awesome Kong (Last Week: #3)
The unstoppable Kong moves up one more spot this week, now sitting at #2. Kong dominated her opponent, ODB, in a lethal street fight at No Surrender and this past week on Impact, she set her sights once more on the TNA Knockouts Championship. Kong is the one to watch!

Erin: It’s about time she’s gone after the Knockouts Championship again. With how dominant she is, I don’t see why she wouldn’t just scoop it back up – at this rate, no one can beat her..
Melanie: I’m not sure how I feel about Taylor vs Kong at Bound For Glory…

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01. Michelle McCool (Last Week: #2)
Michelle McCool has taken the top spot! The Divas Champion scored a ‘flawless victory’ over Maryse in the title’s first ever defense on SmackDown.

Erin: As I said earlier, she and Maryse are putting out great matches. She’s finally proving herself to be a worthy champ. Here’s hoping her feud with Maryse has some spice added to it soon – Michelle needs to be more than a generic babyface if she wants to hold the Divas Championship – and the fans’ attention – much longer.
Melanie: I think Michelle proved she is a worthy champion on SmackDown, she let her skills speak for itself. And with that, she is also a worthy #1 this week.

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Extra Analysis
Goodbye: Falling off the chart this week are Maria (#8), Kelly Kelly (#7) and ODB (#6).
New Entries: The highest new entry is Candice at #8. Following her are the Beautiful People (#9) and Jacqueline (#10).
So Close, Yet So Far: Maria didn’t quite cut the mustard this week among fierce competition, thus lost her place. Victoria and Natalya were also candidates.

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