Friday, July 26, 2024

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Picture of the Day: Naomi Shows Off Her Bikini Body

Summer may be officially over, but that doesn’t mean a Funkadactyl has to resort to bundling up just yet.

Total Divas star Naomi had a candid photo snapped while taking part in an upcoming photoshoot, and let’s just say it shows off some of her greatest features…like, you know, her hair…and choice in bathing suits. That’s right, she has a way with colors that goes unmatched. (Note: The previous sentence was in no way altered to a more classier approach after spotting Naomi’s rather intimidating future spouse, Jimmy Uso, standing nearby in said photo.)

Naomi posted the picture on her Instagram account, captioning it “#totaldivas @jonathanfatu and mrs. sandra made this photo shoot even more fun”.

Okay, we have to admit that while this deserves to be picture of the day based on Naomi’s beauty alone, we simply couldn’t resist the urge to post any photograph that includes a cameo by the one and only Sandra.

It’s going to be a long few months without these three gracing our TVs each Sunday night, but we hope they keep the pictures coming!

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