Friday, July 26, 2024

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Possible New WWE Signing

Independent wrestler, Isis the Amazon was once again spotted at an FCW event last night in Fort Myers, FL.

Earlier this month, a picture surfaced of Isis in the FCW Arena with referee, Daniel Skyler.

At last night’s FCW show, the 6’9″ tall wrestler was spotted with FCW staff and talent, including Alicia Fox‘s sister, Christina Crawford, according to Diva Dirt reader Bobby Lea Burchill. Additionally, Isis asked FCW staff if it was okay for her to take pictures with fans.

When reached for comment, Isis’ representative, Brad Konia told Diva Dirt: “We still can’t offer any comment.”

If our suspicions are correct, it’s safe to say that WWE has never had a Diva quite like this. Isis stands stands nearly as tall as The Great Khali or The Big Show.

EDIT: Due to the volume of comments we seem to be getting about Isis’ weight, we’ve been sent some more recent pictures of her. Check them out below:

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