Friday, July 26, 2024

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Possible use of NXT Superstars for RAW’s audience tonight

It is being rumored that the use of NXT Superstars as well as Performance Center talent may be used as early as tonight’s RAW as an audience. For the past couple of months as a result of the current pandemic, WWE hasn’t had an audience for any of its shows. They have kept the minimal essential personnel in and around ringside. This news was mentioned by Fightful’s patreon.

This idea has been mentioned for both RAW and SmackDown but ironically hasn’t been mentioned for NXT itself. Bryan Alvarez from the Wrestling Observer also has confirmed this rumor but has stated that its final decision obviously has to go through Vince McMahon.

The report by Fightful mentions that if done the NXT Superstars in attendance would be kept off-camera intentionally to hear their reactions. These talents are said to have been screened for COVID-19 at an offsite location. The women who are mentioned to be participating are Chelsea Green, Shotzi Blackheart, and Jessamyn Duke.

If this is done, it will be similar to what AEW has been doing for several weeks now. They have been having their talent in the audience to create a better environment. It could be possible WWE has chosen not to do this due to having fewer people in close proximity to help with social distancing guidelines. Something that is hard to do as it is considering the nature of the entertainment.

It is also being said that RAW is being taped for night and they will be taping for the next three days for upcoming shows.

The advertised match for the women tonight is Natalya vs. Nia Jax vs. Charlotte Flair to determine the next opponent for Asuka at the Backlash event on June 14.

What do you think if WWE starts having talent as an audience? Are you for the idea as AEW has been doing or are you against it? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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