Wednesday, February 5, 2025

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PPV Predictions: TNA LockDown 2010

Tonight, the TNA Knockouts Championship and Knockouts Tag Team Championships are on the line in a ‘Winner Take All’ tag team match set in a steel cage. Who will hold all the gold — The Beautiful People’s Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky or Angelina Love & Tara? The Diva Dirt writers weigh in:

Cryssi: I would basically bet a pair of brand new Steve Madden Zinah pumps on the fact Angelina & Tara will walk out of LockDown as the new Tag Team Champions. TNA isn’t ballsy enough to pull a swerve and put the Knockout Championship on a member of the Beautiful People, so we all need to prep ourselves for Angelina vs. Tara part whatever it is. It’s inevitable these two end up feuding for the Knockout Championship and more than likely it’ll go the route of frenemies and tag partners turned extremely bitter enemies.

David: I think The Beautiful People win all the belts tonight, which I like because then Love and Tara can keep feuding and TBP now have a bunch of belts that can start to cause some internal conflict.

Erin: I’m basing this one on which title(s) are more likely to change hands. While TNA seems fit to hand the Knockouts Championship around like it’s a prize in a Crack Jack box (sorry.. I mean a lock box), I seriously doubt it’s going to jump to another Knockout so soon. Add to that the fact that the Tag Titles have been held by Madison and Velvet for over a month (a long time only in comparison to the Knockouts Championship), and they seem more due for a switch. Thus, I’m betting that Angelina & Tara will win, with Angelina getting the pin to hold on to her Knockouts Title and bring the Tag Titles to her and Tara. Strange bedfellows feud, anyone?

Melanie: I feel that the result of this match is pretty predictable but given that we’ve seen some pretty awful shit from the Divas and Knockouts of late, sign me up for some predictability if it leads to a half-decent storyline. As mentioned, it seems that Tarangelina will pick up the Tag Team Championships and then slowly implode and eventually feud for the Knockouts Championship. Angelina & Tara to take the win.

Steven: TNA has made some bad decisions as of late, but I don’t think they’re dumb enough to put all the gold on The Beautiful People. Like the others have said, the more likely situation is for Angelina & Tara to win the belts, then play up the tension between the two until it builds to a full blown feud. However, with all the gold tied up in a Angelina/Tara feud, what’s left for the other Knockouts to do?

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