Friday, July 26, 2024

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PWWA Last Woman Standing Results

On July 3rd, in Liverpool, NSW, Australia, PWWA held a “Last Standing Woman” Tournament featuring SHIMMER stars including the current Champion Madison Eagles, Jessie Mckay, and Kelly Skater. Here are the results for the event:

First Round:
Madison Eagles def. Shazza McKenzie via pin (hellbound)

Savannah Summers def. Harley Wonderland

Jessie Mckay Def. Sway via pin (roll up)

Kelly Skater def. Miami via pin (kick to the head/modified blockbuster combo)

Round Two:

Madison Eagles Def. Jessie McKay

Kelly Skater def. Savannah Summers via submission (Modified Choke)

Finals Match:

Kelly Skater def. Madison Eagles in a nodq match via pinfall after Savannah hit Madison with a chair causing her to fall into thumbtacks.

This tournament will be available on DVD in the upcoming weeks. For those of you attending SHIMMER in September, the DVD will also be available there. For more information about PWA and their womens division, go to

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