Friday, July 26, 2024

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Raw Redux (July 18th, 2011): 45 Seconds of Pure Diva Action… Heck Yes!


Well, this week’s Redux is going to be short, sweet, and to the point. Even I can’t work magic from a 45 second encounter. For some ungodly reason, the WWE decided to throw all the Divas onto the show and we got a ridiculous seven Diva tag match. All I can say is thank you Jesus that there was no crappy chorus line at the end.

The match itself followed the typical big Diva tag match formula. The heels take on the faces. Rosa Mendes ends up losing. This time it was Beth Phoenix who took the victory. Kind of interesting seeing as how the Divas Champion, Kelly Kelly, was in the background. But trust me when I say that’s about the only thing that was interesting about this debacle.

Oh, and the Glamazon’s lipstick choice.

The face team consisted of Kelly and Beth, as well as AJ, Kaitlyn, Natalya, Eve Torres, and Gail Kim. The heel team is Brie and Nikki Bella, Melina, Maryse, Tamina, Alicia Fox, and Rosa. Each team makes their entrance. And once the shenanigans are over, Rosa and Beth start things off because all the heel Divas drop to the outside leaving Rosa alone with the Glamazon.

They begin in grand fashion. Beth takes Miss Mendes down with a series of clotheslines, and when she goes to slam her down, Rosa just kind of falls down. It’s sloppy and yes, it’s a botch. Thankfully Beth recovers it for both of them, scoops up Rosa, bounces her off the ropes, and slams her to the mat. She goes for the cover but the Bellas come into the ring to break things up.

This prompts all the Divas to get involved. There ends up being a brawl on the outside. Beth and Rosa remain in the ring and after a second or two, Beth makes Rosa eat a Glam Slam. The faces win the match. The heels lose. And while the faces celebrate, Kelly calls for the title and holds it up. Right where Beth can see it. Hmmm.

Do I even want to give my opinion on this? What can I really say? It was completely pointless to have the SmackDown Divas on Raw tonight in a tag team match. Just because you bring them to the show doesn’t mean you have to throw them into a match, especially a tag match like this. If you truly want to have the SmackDown girls on the show, have a battle royal to determine a new number one contender. Brie lost her rematch so it’s time to move on. Tonight was a pointless waste of time in my precious, most humble opinion. I could have done without that. I’m currently trying to squash all negativity from my life and tonight’s Diva offering didn’t help me.

The only thing I can take away from tonight is the mini-staredown between Beth and Kelly at the end. Kelly was holding the title and Beth was staring, and they locked eyes. It could be leading up to a potential feud. But you know, Alicia and Kelly also had a staredown so who knows? Hell, I’d take a triple threat. Just do something. No more 45 second, cluster-you-know-what tag team match.  These girls deserve way better than that and so do the fans.

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