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Raw Redux (May 23rd, 2011): I Remember When, I Remember When Kharma Lost Her Mind

After a great showing by Kelly Kelly and The Bella Twins at Over The Limit on Sunday, all the Raw Divas come together for a 8-Diva Tag Match on this week’s Monday Night Raw. Will Kharma be brave enough to make an appearance when there’s 8 Divas in the ring or will she take the night. Watch below as Kelly Kelly, Eve, Gail Kim and Beth Phoenix take on The Bellas, Maryse and Melina:

Out first to the ring is the heel team. I’m not sure how I’m feeling about The Bella Twins’ new cape accessories, but kudos to them for trying something new. However, Melina looked great in her new black on black gear. It looks it could double as an actual outfit outside of the ring. I wonder if this is a permanent change of styles or if she just lost her luggage. Either way, I’m loving it!

The babyface team is out next, marking Beth Phoenix’s first appearance on Raw since being drafted to Raw. The faces head to the ring and Kelly Kelly makes it no secret that she is pissed about being cheated out of the title on Sunday. I love that Kelly is showing that faces can be angry too. Too often, we see the face Divas smiling and having a great time, even though they gotten screwed. Good to see Kelly Kelly showing a little spunk and fire.

After the usual taunting between teams, the referee rings the bell and our match is underway. Kelly waste no time going after Brie Bella, taking her down with a Thesz press. After a few mounted punches, Kelly follows up with a ass slap-bulldog combination. Before Kelly can get any more offense in, the familiar music of Kharma hits and the match comes to a screeching halt.

As Kharma makes her way to the ring, the 8 Divas decide to put their differences aside and unite against the monster that has been picking them off one by one. Kharma walks into the center of the ring and just when it looks like all hell is about to break loose… Kharma drops to her knees and starts crying. Yes, you read that right. CRYING.

As Kharma has what seems like an emotional breakdown, the Divas (and the audience) look on in confusion. Kharma cries her way into the commercial break, ending the Divas segment for the night.

Um, what the hell just happened?! For weeks on end, we see Kharma destroying Divas left and right, and now she crying in the middle of the ring?! I’m utterly confused. I’m have no idea what WWE was thinking with this swerve, but I’m not sure if I like it. In a matter of minutes, WWE may have destroyed the ‘Diva Killer’ persona Kharma has built over the past few months.

And how could I forget poor Kelly Kelly? It looked like Kelly was getting the breakout feud of her career against Kharma, but this new development may have just pulled the rug out from under that budding rivalry. I have a feeling that it has just become less about Kelly and Kharma and more about Kharma and the entire Divas roster.

As I said earlier, Raw confused me tonight. WWE pushed the past couple of weeks aside and hit us with a huge swerve. I have no idea where this is going, but I’m sure we’ll find out more on next week’s edition of Raw.

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