Monday, February 10, 2025

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Raw Redux (November 18th, 2013): Grin and Bear It

I like to consider myself a free spirit. Someone who is very laid-back, goes with the flow, and doesn’t really appreciate being bogged down with a whole lot of rules. But, I do have one rule I stick to no matter what. If I have had a bad Monday, then I don’t watch Raw. Yesterday, was definitely a bad Monday. It was so bad that my half Caesar/macarooni and cheese combo from Newk’s didn’t sustain me. I had to go home and drown myself in salty tortilla chips and delicious white corn and black bean salsa. I was that stressed out. After consuming so many calories and realizing that I’ll never be a trophy wife, I decided to just go to bed. Raw was just going to make things totally worse for me.

I got TONS and TONS of tweets about how awful the show was and by TONS and TONS I mean just one. Thanks my Scorpio friend! I was also told that I should fake sick just so I could get out of writing this Redux. Erin, obviously, wasn’t thrilled about that decision and rightfully so. Apparently she didn’t want to get saddled with crap either! Me, being me, having woken up this morning in a completely refreshed mood (especially after violently throwing my co-worker’s bouncy ball into our ditch at work… shhhh) thought to myself, “how bad can it be?”


Being a Diva fan, I’ve lived through a lot of crap. I have suffered right along with these women on a weekly basis for many, many years. It hasn’t always been easy, and I want to use the excuse they went for lighthearted fun after such a grueling European tour. But really?

For months we’ve been waiting to see the entire roster align against the cast of Total Divas and it seems like that’s finally happening. Come Survivor Series, we’re getting a seven-on-seven Diva Tag Team match pitting Brie and Nikki Bella, Cameron and Naomi, Natalya, Eva Marie and JoJo against AJ Lee, Kaitlyn, Summer Rae, Aksana, Alicia Fox, Rosa Mendes and Tamina Snuka. This could go either way, in my opinion, but I do expect the Total Divas girls to end up winning this match. They’re on a huge momentum swing at the moment and I still think it’s a mistake to not have one of them as champion (bitter Brie fan right here), but at least we’re getting something completely different and totally fresh.

AJ has been the champion for awhile now and with her recent issues, I don’t blame the WWE for kind of taking it easy with her. I give her a hell of a lot of credit for brushing off what happened in London and continuing to shine. She is the very definition of what a Diva should be. I expect her to wrestle little and end up being the last person left on her team come Sunday. Whether or not the match comes down to her against Brie or Natalya remains to be seen. Whatever happens will likely give us an idea of where the company is headed in terms of AJ’s next challenger.

I just hope the match gets a decent amount of time and doesn’t end up with a bunch of crappy pins that eliminate everyone in the first minute of the match.

While we are the on the subject of AJ, she worked a match against Vickie Guerrero. The whole point of this was pretty stupid, mind you, but whatever. Due to the fact Vickie and Brad Maddoxmade a mockery of Raw while Stephanie McMahon and Triple H were on vacation, the McMahons decided to punish them.

Honestly, I don’t even want to give this much thought because it was pretty stupid. And my mother always taught me if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all. I just thought it was super poor taste for them to do a fainting angle, and to put Vickie in a position to wrestle. I’ve not really had anything negative to write lately and I don’t want to start now, but Raw basically reminded me why the only part of wrestling I even care about these days is Total Divas.

Raw was bad, no way to sugar coat it. And I apologize to everyone reading this for the negativity. I’m not going to try and spin this into some rainbow. I’m just glad I didn’t watch it last night and recap it then. This would have been much more worse. I’ll see you guys on Sunday!

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