Friday, July 26, 2024

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Raw Redux (September 21st, 2009) – Goodbye Lilian, Hello Alicia Fox

So much to discuss coming out of last night’s Raw! It was sad to see the legendary [yes, we are gonna start calling her that now so STFU and STFD] Lilian Garcia retire from WWE. However, a star was born last night in Alicia Fox. Congratulations Foxy, you have truly arrived! Questions coming out of Raw: “Should a woman who has just had her boobs fixed [I’m assuming] really be taking a move like the Glam Slam?” and “Is that Beth’s ‘thank you’ gift for jobbing to Trish last week?”

Check out the Beth Phoenix vs Mickie James match below:

History was made last night folks; that must’ve been the best shortest match ever. It sucks that the Divas got their time cut, that match was barely two minutes but Beth and Mickie did what they could and it was pretty decent. First of all, Beth’s new attire: do not want. Too bright. Beth Phoenix does not do bright.

Onto the match, first we have Alicia Fox at ringside who got a semi-decent reaction when she was announced by the departing Lilian. Beth starts pummelling Mickie from the outset and goes for a springboard suplex that Mickie nicely counters. Neckbreaker from Mickie followed by a miscued low dropkick. The action them moves to the outside with Mickie hitting a Thesz press from the top rope; we don’t see that everyday. Alicia is up out of her chair but Mickie gets in her face and we get a little exchange between those two with Alicia yelling, “Back up!” This provides the distraction that Beth needs to come back as she rams Mickie into the ringpost and then takes her back into it for the Glam Slam.

I have to be a little concerned for Mickie, if she busted an implant why is she taking a Glam Slam?! Are they covering something up here…? And why bury Mickie twice in one night? Surely it would be more logical for Mickie to beat Beth and then be attacked by Alicia? It seems like a ‘thank you’ to Beth for jobbing to Trish last week, but don’t quote me on that.

Alicia then comes into the ring with the Divas Championship and hits an awful scissors kick on Mickie. She was practically standing! Alicia’s elevation was great but that move did not look good. But post-match, Alicia manages to get monstrous heat from the crowd as she hoists the Divas Title and that my friends, is how it’s done! Alicia Fox, you have truly arrived girl.

Last week I questioned whether WWE would make this a storyline or if it’d be a one-shot title match this week like Kelly, Beth and Gail had earlier this year. Thankfully, it looks like this will be a full blown storyline and I think we have only scratched the surface of Alicia’s character. The heat she managed to draw last night was great, now let’s keep that going! Alicia is a star in the making and I am really excited to see her get a push.

Next up, we had Lilian Garcia’s emotional farewell speech. Watch below:

This was a really sweet moment that made me tear up a little. I am so glad that WWE gave her a dignified send-off rather than ribbing her on her way out. She gave 10 years of service to them and this was a beautiful moment and a lovely way to say goodbye. I am grateful to WWE for giving her the platform to say goodbye on the show that has been ‘home’ for 10 years. Thank you Lilian and goodbye ♥

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