Sunday, February 16, 2025

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Reader Poll: Who Will Win Pro-Wrestling: EVE Title Match – Sjodin or Alpha? (Results Live on iPPV!)

Diva Dirt is giving you the opportunity to have your say live on Internet pay per view!

We want to know who you think is going to win tonight’s big Pro-Wrestling: EVE Championship match between Jenny Sjodin and Alpha Female. The results will be revealed live and exclusively during tonight’s No Man’s Land iPPV.


The champion, Sjodin, has managed to take on all comers since defeating Britani Knight (WWE/FCW’s Paige) for the belt in June 2011, but she has yet to face the 6’1″ mauler from Germany, Alpha Female. Sjodin is perhaps the most gifted pure athlete in all of female wrestling with experience in amateur wrestling, MMA, Brazilian jiu-jitsu and grappling, giving her a unique arsenal of maneuvers. However, Alpha Female has proved to be an unstoppable force in EVE, towering over her competition and having a distinct size advantage, not dissimilar from the likes of WWE’s Big Show. This giant has managed to attain a near-perfect 10-1 win/loss streak (her only loss came due to interference). It really could go either way when these two meet in the ring tonight at No Man’s Land.

Vote for who you think will win in the poll below. Results will be revealed tonight during the iPPV:


No Man’s Land airs at from 7pm UK (2pm ET) today. For a full step-by-step guide on how to order and watch the show, click here.

Diva Dirt will have full live coverage of the show as it happens. Additionally, Follow @divadirt and @ProWrestlingEVE on Twitter for live tweets during the show.

Please use the hash tag #NoMansLand when tweeting about the iPPV.

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