Thursday, February 6, 2025

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Recapping Brooke on ‘The Amazing Race’: Episode 12, “All or Nothing”

Each week, as long as Brooke and Robbie E are in The Amazing Race competition, we’ll recap the newest episode, updating fans on where #TheWrestlers stand in the race.

We pick up right where we left off in the last episode, with teams racing to Los Angeles for the race’s final leg. Brooke and Robbie, The Dentists and The Soul Surfers are waiting in the airport terminal when The Sweet Scientists arrive, revealing that they weren’t eliminated in the last leg.

Brooke isn’t happy to see them, and she doesn’t hide it, since this means that one team will now be eliminated in the middle of this leg.

Jim jokes that Brooke should kick Amy in the shin to slow her down.

When they arrive in Los Angeles, teams race to their cars and listen to a text message that directs them to the first stop. They’re to take the film permit that they received in the last leg to a film clerk at Downtown City Hall. They will then receive their next clue.

Brooke and Robbie trail The Surfers, but hit a major snag when they miss their exit.

They get directions, but those get them even more lost, and when they ask for directions from someone on the road, they discover that they’ve been going in the wrong direction.

They argue back and forth, but eventually find City Hall. Unfortunately, the other three teams have already completed the road block and have moved on, putting Brooke and Robbie way behind.

When they finally arrive at the road block, the stunt film crew is wrapping up, and Phil arrives to deliver some bad news: they’ve been eliminated from the race.

The other three teams race to the finish, The Sweet Scientists coming out on top and winning the $1 million prize. Brooke and Robbie make their final appearance at the finish line alongside the rest of the eliminated teams.

Thoughts: Well, that’s a wrap! I’m not going to lie: Brooke and Robbie made it much further than I thought they would. Coming in fourth place out of eleven teams isn’t bad at all, especially considering they were in the finals. They had their moments of triumph, escaping elimination a few times and jumping from last to first place in the previous leg. All in all, this performance is something they should be proud of.

As someone who’s never watched a full season of The Amazing Race before, this was a lot of fun. I can’t say I’d be as invested if Brooke and Robbie weren’t around, but I definitely enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I didn’t expect The Scientists to win, either. I had The Surfers pegged for that since early in the season. A pleasant surprise, I guess!

In the end, Brooke and Robbie got the Stacy Keibler treatment. If you recall her performance on the second season of Dancing With the Stars, she too made it all the way to the finals before being eliminated, ending the competition in third place. Torrie Wilson outdid them slightly, coming in second in the second US season of I’m a Celebrity..Get Me Out of Here!.

All of them did better than Ashley Massaro, who was voted off in the second episode of Survivor: China.

The women’s wrestling reality show champion is still Eve Torres, who won NBC’s Stars Earn Stripes.

Still, this was a great way for Brooke to get a bit of mainstream publicity. Hopefully this translates into an enhanced role when TNA returns to the airwaves on Destination America next year.

Congratulations to Brooke and Robbie on a great performance!

What did you think of Brooke and Robbie’s performance in the race?

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