Friday, July 26, 2024

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Results: Alexa Bliss retains the Raw Women’s Championship

Tonight at the Elimination Chamber, Alexa Bliss retained the Raw Women’s Championship in the first ever Women’s Elimination Chamber match against Bayley, Mandy Rose, Mickie James, Sasha Banks and Sonya Deville.

The first two Superstars to start off the match were Bayley and Deville, while the rest of the competitors stayed in the respective pods until it was their turn to enter the Chamber.

Deville started things off by matting Bayley with a waist lock takedown. Bayley gets to her feet and takes Deville down with a running bulldog. She then begins taking Deville face first to throwing Deville face first to the turnbuckles.

Bayley runs the ropes but Deville stops her by striking Bayley in the midsection upon return. She tries to toss Bayley to the Chamber’s wall but Bayley managed to latch and catch herself on to the wall. The two Superstars fought for control that ended with Bayley tossing Deville to the Chamber’s wall.

They make it back to the ring where Bayley stays in control with a side suplex for a two count. She climbs the top turnbuckle and added an elbow drop to the outside floor.

Rose’s pod opens and enters the match but is immediately attacked by Bayley. Bayley manages to defend herself against Absolution by stunning them using them the middle ropes. She then stacked them in a corner and landed a running elbow strike.

The numbers game eventually worked in favor of Absolution who double-teamed Bayley and rammed her back into the Chamber’s wall. They used the Chamber’s wall once again to trap Bayley and land knee and forearm strikes.

Banks’ pod open and she goes after Rose by throwing her to her pod land then the Chamber’s. Deville came to Rose’s aid but Banks was ready and delivered running knees.

Bayley got back into the match and even up the playing field by bouncing Bayley off the chamber and onto the steel floor.

Banks ducks a running knee from Rose and connects the Bank Statement, forcing Rose to tap out and be the first Superstar to be eliminated.

Mickie James then entered the match and went after the three Superstars in the ring. Deville slows James down by landing a knee to the midsection and sending James to the Chamber wall.

James fights back and begins to climb the wall. Bayley climbs alongside James but James knocks her off. James makes it to the top of a pod and lands a flying Lou Thesz Press that eliminates Deville.

Afterwards, James found herself eliminated after taking a Back Stabber from Banks and then a Bayley to Belly from Bayley.

Bliss pod open but she tried to avoid Banks and Bayley by climbing away. Bayley and Banks each climb and trap her at a pod corner. Bayley tries to join Banks but Banks kicks Bayley’s hand out of the way, sending her to the floor.

Bliss and Bayley moved to the ring where Bayley attacked Banks from behind. She turned her attention back to Bliss and landed a side suplex in the ring. She began driving Bliss to the corner. Banks got back in the match and battle Banks at an opposite corner. Bliss takes advantage and lands a top rope suplex on Bayley.

Banks gets out of the Tree of Woe and gets to the top apron and hits a Frog Splash on Bayley for a two count. Bayley responds with a top rope Bayley to Belly on Banks but Bliss runs in to roll up Bayley from behind to eliminate her.

Bliss goes for the Twisted Bliss but Banks counters by getting the knees up. Banks strikes Bliss with knees but avoids a running one that causes Banks to get trapped on the Chamber wall. Bliss climbs to the top of the pod to connect a Twisted Bliss but Banks quickly turned it to the Bank Statement.

Banks tried to climb to the top of another pod but Bliss catches her and shoves her face first to the pod door. She then lands an elevated DDT from the top rope to get the final pinfall on Banks.

In a post-match interview, Bliss that said the win meant everything to her and dedicated her win to the women and little girls who dared to dream but then went on to say that none of them would ever accomplish their dreams.

Bliss said that even with went the odds against her, she overcame them and proved why there is only one true goddess in the WWE.

With the win, Bliss will now defend the Raw Women’s Championship at WrestleMania.

What did you think of the match? What do you think is next in store for Sasha Banks and Bayley? What do you think the Raw Women’s Title scene will look like at WrestleMania? Let us know in the comments below!

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