Friday, July 26, 2024

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Serena Deeb confirms she is still dealing with a knee injury

AEW’s Serena Deeb has announced on her social media that she is still dealing with a knee injury despite trying to work through it. Deeb, who is a former NWA World Women’s Champion, took some time off at the beginning of the year while still champion due to her knee. She returned to the ring in May after being sidelined for three months.

She successfully defended her NWA World Women’s Title against Red Velvet and then Riho before losing to Kamille at NWA’s When Our Shadows Fall in June. She has since had a few more matches within the past month.

On Instagram, Deeb starts off her video by saying normally she does her talking in the ring so she sat in a ring to deliver a message. She hears what everyone says in that Serena Deeb should be on Dynamite more.

With a caption to her social media post that reads “I’m going All Out,” Deeb says:

“Truth is, right now, I’m hurt. I’m injured. My knee has been playing up for a while, it’s been bothering me in my matches, I tried to fight through the pain. Was it the smartest thing to do? Probably not, but that’s what I do. I’m Serena Deeb, I’m from the old school. What I was taught is that if you can walk to the ring, you can step in the ring and do your job.”

This leads into a promo where she says that once she gets better she will be back and she will be champion.

 “I’m Serena Deeb. I’m from the old school. What I was taught is that if you could walk to the ring, you could step (in the ring) and do your job. I can’t even freakin’ walk, but I’m sitting in a wheelchair, in the ring, trying to get better. I’m nothing like the girls today that break a nail and take six weeks off. Do you know why I’m the best? I’ll give you a perfect example; first thing I do after my matches is I walk to the back and I find a Tully Blanchard or Arn Anderson or Dean Malenko and I ask, ‘How can I improve and get better?’

Do you know what the rest of these girls do? They run to the back, bury their faces in their cellphones, and see what the Internet says. Then they wonder why they don’t get any better. The truth is, not one of them can lace my boots, not one of them is in my league. Yes, right now, I’m injury and I’m hurt, but I will be back to AEW and I will be back to once again be champion and I will remind each and everyone one of you that not only am I the best women’s wrestler in the world, I’m the best wrestler in the world. I am Serena Deeb, the woman of a thousand holds.” [h/t: Fightful]

There was no time frame given on how long Deeb may be out of action.

Check back in with Diva Dirt for any further news on Serena Deeb and the women of AEW.

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