Friday, July 26, 2024

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Serena Deeb Signs with WWE *Edited*

serenadeebThis just in from our partners at the Wrestling Globe Newsletter: Serena Deeb, who was spotted on ECW this past Tuesday, has signed with the company.

Serena previously worked for OVW and SHIMMER. Deeb worked for OVW while it was a WWE developmental territory, thus has wrestled some of our current crop of Divas. She was also recently used at the SHIMMER tapings at the start of the month.

This past Tuesday on ECW, Deeb was seen backstage as Finlay walked past leading many to believe she had or would be signing with the company. Earlier this week, an independent source told us that ‘nothing was signed [at the time of the taping] but it looked likely’. Looks like a deal has been worked out in the past few days.

One has to wonder how WWE will use Deeb, her ‘cameo’ on ECW could mean she’s joining the brand or will she be sent to down to FCW? Either way, good news for a talented female worker.

EDIT: Diva Dirt has learned from a reliable source that Serena has not signed a contract with WWE, after all. That said, the chances are looking likely.

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