Wednesday, February 5, 2025

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Names announced for Women’s Title Tourney

The first participants in the Women of Honor tournament have been revealed and several big names from Stardom will be vying for the new Women’s Championship.

Mayu Iwatani, Hana Kimura, Kagetsu and HZK will be competing in the tournament. WOH made the announcement via twitter:

Additionally, the tournament is scheduled to begin Saturday, January 20th in Nashville TN, and several women have already advanced in qualifying matches. These wrestlers include Brandi Rhodes and Jesse Brooks.

Watch Jesse Brooks take on Gabby Ortiz to qualify for the tournament below:

ROH currently air their Women of Honor matches off their official YouTube account as part of their Women of Honor Wednesday” series featuring a division made up of talents such as Deonna PurrazzoMandy Leon, Brandi Rhodes, Kelly Klein, Scarlett Bordeaux, Karen QJenny Rose, Faye Jackson, Stella Gray and Sumie Sakai.

Who else do you want to see take part in the tournament? Who do you think the first Women’s Champion should be? Sound off in the comments below.

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