Friday, September 13, 2024

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Shanna Wins TNA Gut Check Bracket, Advances to Final Vote

European independent wrestler Shanna has won Bracket 2 of TNA’s Gut Check Challenge.

The challenge, which has been plagued by a series of problems, was re-started on April 4th. Wrestlers vying for an opportunity for a live Gut Check on Impact Wrestling were split into 16 polls, each of which will last three days.

The winner of each bracket advances into a final vote and the winner of that will receive a televised Gut Check.

Shanna won Bracket 2 with 353 votes, her nearest rival scoring 181. That’s a very convincing win indeed!

Others who will be included in polls still to come are Luscious LatashaLuFisto, Mia Svensson and Nikki Storm.

Check out TNA’s official press release to see when the other polls will open.

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