Friday, July 26, 2024

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SmackDown Redux (September 13th, 2013): The Odds Aren’t in AJ’s Favor… Yet

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s SmackDown Redux! Big thank you my partner in crime Cryssi for filling in for me last week. This week on the blue brand, we have a rematch of Monday night’s Six Diva tag match as Brie Bella, Naomi and Natalya lock horns with Aksana, Alicia Fox and Layla with the Divas Champion, AJ Lee on commentary and Nikki Bella, Cameron Eva Marie and Jojo at ringside.

Can Natalya and co. come out on top or will Friday the 13th prove unlucky for the Total Divas? Check out the match below:

We kick off the match with all six Divas in the ring already. Brie starts off against Aksana, taking her down with a few strikes, before slamming her face into the canvas. Brie takes a moment to talk smack to the champion and Alicia Fox takes a shot at her, causing a brawl between all six Divas. Once the smoke clears, Brie levels Aksana with a flying facebuster.

Before Brie can get in any more offense,  Aksana escapes her grasp and scrambled to get her corner and tags Alicia in. Meanwhile, Naomi gets a tag and takes Alicia down with a standing hurricanrana. Naomi goes for her patented Rear View, but Alicia has her scouted. Alicia evades and hits a clothesline for a nearfall.

Alicia locks in front facelock, keeping Naomi away from her corner, but Naomi counters with a back bodydrop, leaving both Divas reeling. They both make it to their corners, making the hot tag to Natalya and Aksana, respectively.

Natalya comes in like a house of fire, but AJ runs in and attacks her, causing Team AJ to lose by DQ.

Post-match, the champ finds herself surrounded by her challengers at Night of Champions. Brie and Naomi both hit their finishers on her, but she’s saved by Team AJ before Natalya can lock in the Sharpshooter.

Thoughts: Not a bad match, but I preferred Monday’s match to be honest. This match felt hectic and a bit sloppy at times, but that’s just my opinion.

Match aside, can I just say how much I’m loving this storyline? One of the best things about AJ’s ‘Pipe Bombshell’ is that she said the things that a lot of Diva fans have been saying for years and to see it incorporated into a storyline is pretty cool. I have my own ideas about how this might all culminate (but you’ll have to check out the Night of Champions predictions for that), but this is easily the most excited I’ve been about the Divas division in some time. Let’s just hope they can keep this momentum while Total Divas is on hiatus.

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