Friday, July 26, 2024

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SmackDown Spoilers: June 22nd, 2012

Spoilers for Friday’s SmackDown:

Kane vs. Daniel Bryan – AJ is the special guest time keeper. Great reaction for Bryan. On the floor Bruan drop kicks Kane into ring post. Running drop kick gets 1 count. Kane hits a few power moves for a two. Kane to top rope. Bryan hits mid air drop kicks. Lots of Yes chants during Bryan’s kicks. Bryan to top, but slips, comes up short. Hits top rope missile drop kick (expect an edit in post production. Big boot takes Bryan down. Bryan with big kick to side of Kane’s head. Bryan back to top. Goes for headbut, but Kane punters into choke. Bryan goes for yes lock, Kane counters into chile slam but. Ryan counters into guillotine. Kane escapes, Bryan rolls through, applies Yes Lock. Kane fights for rope, but doesn’t make it. AJ rings the bell and Bryan celebrates. The ref says he match isn’t over and Kane hits chokeslam for pin in 7 minutes. AJ skips out. Good match! Man, Bryan is good. (Source)


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