Friday, July 26, 2024

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Style Showdown: Dynamic Duos

Welcome to Style Showdown, here to cure weekends of slow news! In Style Showdown, we take two Diva rivals from the past or present and put them in a battle of a different kind – in a battle of “Who looks better!”

Previously on Style Showdown: Extreme Divas Kelly Kelly and Layla took their long-running feud outside of the ring and into our Style Showdown. 120 votes were cast and Layla came out triumphant, nearly doubling Kelly’s 44 votes with 76 of her own.

This week: It’s not very often that two WWE Divas can see eye-to-eye in the ring, much less enough to coexist in a photoshoot! Brand new “BFF”s Victoria & Natalya recently showed off their customized tank tops and LA starlet-worthy tights. A while back, ECW Divas Layla & Lena showed momentary solidarity in posing for a more serious photoshoot. Which do you prefer – sweet sentiment or skin-tight style?


Follow the cut to view the full photoshoots:

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