Friday, July 26, 2024

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WWE Superstars Spoilers: April 8th, 2010

Spoilers for this Thursday’s edition of WWE Superstars are in. Click ‘show’ to view them:

* Beth Phoenix defeated Layla in an “intergender match.” Laycool referred to Beth as a man. The crowd was so hot for Team Laycool that I couldn’t really hear what they were saying. (Source:

Thoughts after the cut:

Erin’s Thoughts
Wow.. I guess Laycool’s “Mean Girls” antics can get worse than fat jokes–transsexual jokes! This is something I hope doesn’t progress too far, unless they can spin it into something that reinforces the idea that not all Divas need to fit into the stereotypical “womanly” image. Somehow, I don’t think they’ll delve that deep, since they barely scratched the surface of body type acceptance with the Piggie James angle.

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