Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Survivor Series Rewind: Team Mickie vs. Team Beth (2007)

Tomorrow night at Survivor Series, AJ Lee defends the Divas Title against Nikki Bella while eight Divas take part in a Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team match. Leading up to these matches, we’re looking back at memorable Diva moments from the history of the Pay-Per-View.

Today, we’re looking to 2007, when Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Maria Kanellis, Michelle McCool and Torrie Wilson took on Beth Phoenix, Jillian Hall, Layla, Melina and Victoria.

The 10-Diva Tag Team match ended when Mickie hit Melina with the Long Kiss Goodnight and scored the pin for her team.

Watch the match below:

What are your memories of this moment?

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