Friday, July 26, 2024

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The Bella Twins’ Mom & Brother Weigh In…

Like a good mama bear protecting her cubs, the Bella Twins’ mom Kathy Colace has weighed in on the storm surrounding the article posted on earlier today.

On her Twitter page, Kathy wrote:

@thebellatwins @RealKellyKelly @EveMarieTorres How embarrassing that WWE allows one of their own writers dis a division they have built.

Meanwhile, the twins’ brother JJ Garcia, also wrote on his Twitter page:

#BellaArmy WWE is hating on the @thebellatwins when they are the most athletic and beautiful divas let @WWE know what you think #BellaArmy

Tweeting the author of the article,’s Katie Raymond, he added:

how do you even have a job under minding the diva division.Who talks shit on there own company Pretty pathetic for your company

Thoughts: Normally, I would agree that WWE is undermining/dissing its own division, but I feel the article (perhaps not some of the Twitter responses from the Divas) was to push the storyline. Most of the articles on continue storylines. Besides, I think WWE has done worse to diss the division they’ve built i.e. having Michael Cole interrupt matches.

And let’s not lose sight of the fact that the article did clearly state that the Divas division does not need saving.

RELATED: Discusses Whether the Divas Division Needs Saving
Divas Respond to Article
Nikki Bella Takes Aim at Article, Writer and Other Divas!

Photo: Kathy Colace Twitter

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