Friday, July 26, 2024

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The Diva Dirt Perfect 10: Week of September 12th, 2011 – Who’s #1?

It’s back! The Diva Dirt Perfect 10 makes a return as we look at the movers and shakers of the Divas and Knockouts division this past week a la’s Power 25. Which femme fatales impressed on Raw, SmackDown, NXT, Superstars, Impact Wrestling and FCW? (Note: Pay per views will be counted the following week.)

Let’s find out…

#5. Aksana

Last Week

SmackDown viewers may be used to seeing the saucy seductress side of Aksana, but FCW are getting a whole different woman…

The jet-black haired Diva has been on an aggressive streak in FCW where she’s the current reigning Divas Champion and she took that new found aggression out on poor Audrey Marie this week. Not content with taking the victory after a brutal Divo Drop spinebuster (named after her puppy), our favorite llama lover attacked Audrey after the match by tossing her into the guardrail and steel steps.

When are we gonna see this side of Aksana on SmackDown?

Continue on for #4…

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