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TNA Impact Spoilers: December 9th, 2010

Spoilers for Thursday’s Impact below:

* Impact starts. Tara is introduced and is singing her opening with shirtless Generation Me dancing. Mickie James comes out and hits Tara but Generation Me grabs her. Tara attacks Mickie but Eric Young makes the save. Tara and Mickie fight down the ramp. Security breaks it up but they break away again. They’re finally broken up and Mickie gets in the ring and on the mic. Mickie says they’ll never be able to settle this with security breaking it up. Mickie says they need to settle this in a steel cage. But she doesn’t want to wait until Genesis. She wants it tonight.

* The Beautiful People are backstage talking about their match later. Wynter shows up to wish Angelina Love luck. Velvet Sky asks who that was and Angelina is happy she could finally see her and says she’ll tell Velvet all about her.

* TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Title Tournament Match, Daffney & Sarita vs. The Beautiful People. Winner via reverse STO from Angelina to Daffney, The Beautiful People.

* Main event Cage Match, Mickie James vs. Tara. Winner vis Thesz Press off the top of the cage, Mickie James. Tim tells us the match is “definitely worth checking out.” (Source: Wrestling News World)

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