Sunday, February 16, 2025

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TNA Knockout Drama

We haven’t covered too much on the TNA Knockouts thus far, but finally we have something to sink our claws into! Many wrestling news sites reported yesterday of friction between some of the veteran Knockouts and the newer girls; stating that the heat was mainly coming from the likes of Traci Brooks, Gail Kim and Christy Hemme.

One incident cited was Traci berating Velvet Sky backstage over her match with Gail Kim, last week. However, Talia Madison (Velvet Sky) took to her MySpace to quash any rumours:

Apparently some news sites are having fun throwing around mine and others names in some S**t they have NOOO idea what they’re talking about!

The following was posted today on various news sites;

“There were reports to management that Traci Brooks lashed out at Velvet Sky for not holding up her end of the match with Gail Kim last week.”

Lashed out?? Hmmmm…I was there and I dont even remember this happening!

If one were to “lash out” at me, seeing as how “lashing out” is such a powerful state of being, I am almost positive I would remember if this had happened to me, but I dont, because it DIDNT!!!!

This is just another case of YOU CANT ALWAYS BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ!

Instead of focusing on the real disasters of the world, these people like to dig for dirt thats NOT EVEN THERE, for the sole purpose of having something to report on their headlines! STOOGES!!!!!!!!!!

And as far as the “tension amongst the knockouts” goes, once again, everything is fine!!

Anyway, hope everyone is doing great, and keep on HOLLERING!!

I’m definitely rooting for the Knockouts and will be taking Talia’s account over the “newz sites” out there. When you’re getting on TV every week and being able to showcase your talents unlike your WWE counterparts, it’s all good in the hood and you should have nothing to complain about backstage.

If rumours are true, one name I was surprised to see listed was Christy Hemme… what?! What gives Christy the right to act territorial over anyone, when she has little to no personality and can only wrestle so much. Let’s face it, Christy has “WWE product” branded all over her ass and in this case our advice to her is: bitch sit your ass down.

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