Friday, July 26, 2024

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TNA Policy Change That Could Affect Knockouts’ Bookings

Word spread yesterday that TNA has changed its policies regarding outside bookings for its talent — independent promotions are no longer able to feature TNA contracted talents on DVD releases of their shows.

TNA had previously allowed talents to appear on DVD releases, however, not on rival television programs or pay per views (including Internet pay per views). Perhaps most notably, SHIMMER was able to utilize talents such as Sarita, and most recently, Madison Rayne, on their taped live events under this policy.

The new policy, however, could have a knock-on effect for the talent, including the Knockouts, as it could lead to independent promotions not booking them for future shows as they wouldn’t be able to recoup their investment through DVD or video on demand sales, something which independent promotions absolutely rely on.

Less bookings would obviously hurt the TNA talents’ bank balances, also, as they often rely on independent bookings to supplement their TNA salary. As has been well documented, TNA only pays talents when used, so talents who are not often utilized — which includes many of the Knockouts right now — could be missing out on extra income.

One independent promoter tells me that they won’t be booking TNA talents going forward. “The cost of the booking TNA stars is so high already as the office takes a cut. The only way it’s justifiable is by being able to sell DVDs, or matches online. Without that, I think you’ll find a lot of promoters, including myself, won’t consider booking TNA people.”

“I don’t really see the upside to [the policy]. The fans miss out on seeing the wrestlers live unless TNA has a show near them, the wrestlers miss out on a payday, and the promoters miss out too.”

Perhaps unrelated, but we noted previously that veteran Knockout Tara was due to face LuFisto in Montreal this past weekend. The match didn’t take place, however. No word on if this is due to the policy change.

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