Saturday, January 18, 2025

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Day three of TNA’s three day taping, read results below:

Tara (the former Victoria) defeated Madison Rayne (w/Angelina Love & Velvet Sky) with a Widow’s Peak.

Raisha Saeed defeated SoJo Bolt following a Boston Crab into a sit-down type move.

– Daffney & TNA Knockout Champion, Angelina Love (w/Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky) vs. Taylor Wilde & Awesome Kong (w/Raisha Saeed). Kong & Wilde get the win following an Awesome Bomb on Daffney. Postmatch, TBP & Daffney beat down on Kong & Wilde while Saeed was out of the ring blinded by a Velvet Sky spray to the eyes. Tara ran down to make the save and TBP ran from the ring, meanwhile Tara & Long were left alone in the ring and had a several minute stare down till eventually Saeed pulled Kong from the ring.

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