Friday, July 26, 2024

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Video: Madison Rayne Reacts to Brittany’s Shocking Admission

Last night’s Impact Wrestling saw Madison Rayne get blindsided by Brittany when the rookie Knockout revealed how deep her devotion to Madison goes, telling her she wants to be with her.

The Impact 365 camera caught up with Madison to get her reaction, showing the former Knockouts Champion in shock. She tells the interviewer that she was caught off guard and doesn’t know where to focus her attention: her adversaries Angelina Love and Velvet Sky or this new, unwelcome attention from Brittany.

Madison says she is trying to focus on her Knockouts Title match on next week’s Impact, but clarifies that she’s not following Brittany into the deep waters she’s ventured into.

Watch the interview below:

Where do you think this Madison/Brittany storyline is going?

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