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Winners & Losers: AEW Dynamite 01/29/20

This week’s AEW Dynamite took place in Cleveland, OH for the first time ever and offered us the match up of ‘The Native Beast’ Nyala Rose vs. Big Swole and a killer promo by Dr. Britt Baker.

The match started with Big Swole attacking Rose with a barrage of quick strikes followed by a dropkick to the knees to drop her much larger opponent. Swole would knock Rose out to the floor but Rose would catch her leg as she went to kick her from the ring apron and launch her into the barriers.

Back from the break and back in the ring, Swole wraps Rose up in a hanging front chancery. Rose powered out but Swole would remain in control with a great bicycle kick.

Big Swole would continue to her attack with not one but two big head butts into a cutter for a near fall. Big Swole would then hit a flatliner and gear up for a discus lariat but Rose would counter with a spear and a vicious beast bomb for the win.

This was a good match that gave Big Swole a really good shine despite the loss as the push for Nyla Rose continues. Nyla remains at the top the rankings with this win and seems to be next in line to challenge Riho.

Later on the in the show, we were treated to a magnificent promo by Britt Baker. After last week’s verbal attack on Tony Schiavone, Baker turned her attentions to Jim Ross, who cut her off last week to head to commercial break.

After scolding Schiavone for not addressing her correctly as Dr and calling him Mr Starbucks, Baker cut into JR calling him a “sloppy BBQ sauce rep who can’t even get the names on our roster straight.” Preach, Baker, Preach.

Baker wouldn’t stop there as she then called out AEW Women’s Champion, Riho for never being around before calling the AEW women’s division “my division.”

As one last jibe to Schiavone, she said his breath stinks and he has gingivitis. Loved it.

This was a great segment that Baker thrived in. Her cadence and delivery were on point as much as her comments. JR isn’t great on commentary, Riho is hardly there and as the first signing for AEW women’s division, she has every right say it is her division. This Britt Baker has legs as there is plenty of more “truths” she can cut scathing promos on in AEW. Anything from the Dark Order, The Nightmare Collective and the division itself are all widely criticised online and therefore all open to Baker’s blast.

Winner: Britt Baker

This new version of Baker is perfect for her as she has genuine reason to feel slighted. Baker was geared up as the star of the division all while working as a dentist too. However, what was meant to be a relatable and personable gimmick just came across as a bit cringe and failed to get “over” with the fans. Add this to her losses and we have a wrestler with a major chip on her shoulder. Baker was cool, confident and cocky in this new role and I can see her excelling in it. Hopefully it’ll be lift her character and needs that will lead to better results in the ring.

Loser: Allie

Since becoming The Bunny and manager of The Butcher and The Blade, she has been sidelined into obscurity. When the move first took place I thought it may have been for her benefit as she excelled in a similar “dark” role in IMPACT. However, the team haven’t been taken seriously from the beginning and the steady loss matches hasn’t helped matters going forward. The Bunny could do with getting into the mix and doing some real villainous interference and promo and character work rather than just standing there, which she has done so far.

Final Thoughts

A good showing from all on the show with a nice bit of direction sprinkled in. Nyla is on track to challenge Riho at the next PPV, Revolution while Baker’s new persona is a nice character to add into the mix. No sign of Shida or Statlander this week, which was a shame but no Nightmare Collective, which was great.

Shout out to Penelope Ford who accompanied Kip Sabian to the ring for his match with Cody and continued to stand out with her impressive interference. Her and Sabain’s feud with Joey Janela could be fun as the former couple seem to be willing to exploit their relationship for the angle.

What did you make of the show? Let us know below and as always stay tuned to Diva Dirt for all of your AEW news, reviews and updates.

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