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Winners & Losers: IMPACT 07.28.20

Deonna Purrazzo is still relishing in her victory at Slammiversary and as the new Knockouts Champion, she intends on staying that way for a long time. Kylie Rae did win the number one contender Gauntlet for the Gold match at that same event. With that in mind, she wasn’t pushed towards Purrazzo just yet.

Purrazzo took on Kimber Lee this week in a non-title match.

Lee tries to get the upper hand early in the match which winds up with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors that takes Purrazzo out of the ring. She attempts to stay on the champion back inside the ring with a body scissors hold but Purrazzo escapes after several elbows. After the champion delivers stomps in the corner, Lee applies a submission in the ropes but will have to break before the five count.

After a dropkick from Lee and a near fall, she misses a roundhouse kick. Purrazzo executes a side leg sweep and goes for the Fujiwara Armbar but Lee counters with a suplex for another near fall on the champion. Lee attempts to go up top on the turnbuckle but Purrazzo takes her down, snaps her arm, and applies the Fujiwara Armbar. Lee immediately taps to lose the match.

During this match, the mention of tag team titles was brought up again. Madison Rayne on commentary said if they were to come back then she may just have to get back in the ring more.

After the match, former Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace made her way to the ring. She had a sling on to help her arm that was caught in the Fujiwara Armbar from Purrazzo at Slammiversary. She was playing a bit of possum as she took off the sling and attacked the new champion taking her down. Purrazzo retreated.

This was the only women’s match of the night, but Katie Forbes did have a segment. She made her way into the ring with RVD. Normally people have to go to her website to get her risqué photos, but she will show them now for “free 99.” She starts a countdown from five for them to show on the big screen.

As the unveil, it is her photos with Sami Callihan’s face on her body instead. Forbes loses it and throws a fit in the ring. As she is livid, RVD attempts to console her.

Wrestle House also debuted and you can see it in the video above. It featured along with male wrestlers, Taya Valkyrie, Susie, Rosemary, Alisha Edwards, and Kylie Rae

Rae refereed an outdoors match between Crazzy Steve and Acey Romero.

Let’s get to the Winners & Losers:

WINNER: Deonna Purrazzo

She may have been attacked by Jordynne after the match, but she continues to be excel in the ring. Many people are critical of Impact taking the lesser used talent from WWE and putting a title right on them. I personally don’t mind because if someone does have the talent, they deserve to be at the top of the division. Sure I wish others would have become champion before Deonna, but big stars have come from this formula.

LOSER: Katie Forbes

I am not sure what the point of this was. Besides showing that Katie and RVD are back to their prior gimmick and to set up RVD vs. Sami?

LOSER: Kylie Rae

Personally I much have preferred for Kylie to have some sort of involvement with Deonna. She is the number one contender after all or did I miss something? I am all for Jorydnne getting a rematch, but much rather see a build for Kylie vs. Deonna.

What were your thoughts on this week’s IMPACT? Who were your Winners & Losers? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

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