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Winners & Losers: RAW 09/09/19

RAW was live tonight from Madison Square Garden and as expected the crowd was hyped and ready for the go-home show leading to Clash of Champions. The advertised women’s match of the night involved all four women that have been a focal point of the women’s division this past month. Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair had to put their personal feelings for one another aside as they had to face Sasha Banks and Bayley in tag team action.

The match did not disappoint as this was the first time in a long time these four women were in the ring at the same time together. They were given about 20 minutes to put on a show highlighting each woman at certain moments.

The storytelling was done well. It wasn’t just about Lynch vs. Banks or Bayley vs. Flair as we will see on Sunday, but all four of them interacting as if it was an NXT reunion.

Two highlight moments of the match were as follows.

About halfway into the match Banks executed a Bank Statement on Flair. Flair was able to counter and roll out of it and lock in the Figure Eight. As Bayley enters the ring to try and break it up, Lynch attempts to lock in the Dis Arm Her but instead pushes her into Flair to break up the Figure Eight.

The second big moment happens towards the end of the match. After some good teamwork by both teams, Lynch sets up Bayley and delivers a leg drop from the middle rope. Flair then follows it up with a rough moonsault and goes for the pin. Banks breaks up the pin.

Lynch would then pull Banks out of the ring and drive her shoulder first into the steel steps. Still on the outside, to add further pressure on Banks, Lynch applies the Dis Arm Her on her Clash of Champions opponent. Bayley would then save her best friend and break up the submission hold. She would deliver a Bayley to Belly to Lynch and then a suplex to Flair. This would lay out all four women on the outside.

Flair back in the ring, Bayley attempted to deliver an elbow from the turnbuckle to put away Flair. Flair would get the knees up. Banks got Flair from behind by the hair but was knocked off the ring apron. Bayley with a roll-up for two. Flair hits Natural Selection on Bayley for the pin and the win for her team.

Lynch and Flair worked well together despite how their last tag team endeavor turned out. Both women go into Clash of Champions with the upper hand.

The other women’s match of the night was Natalya vs. Lacey Evans as a rematch from last week. Last week Evans delivered a women’s right to put away Natalya. This week, Natalya received retribution as she would lock in the sharpshooter to cause Evans to tap out.

The match was good and did what it was meant to do. It is a nice side feud that may not last any further as both women now have a win on the other. Evans’ matches since she took a step back after facing Lynch have been pretty solid. She gels well with Nattie, so them continuing a feud wouldn’t be a bad thing.

The only things about RAW this week that could have been better is it would have been nice if the women would have been the main event. Also if they would have had the Women’s Tag Team titles build up some storyline-wise, but this will probably happen on SmackDown.

As far as the Winners & Losers of the night, there really weren’t any losers from my standpoint. Sure the Nattie and Lacey match seemed like a filler, but it did continue their feud from last week.

Witnessing all Four Horsewomen in the ring again together was a big win all the way around.

What did you think of this week’s RAW? What did you think were the hits and misses? Did you spot any losers from the women tonight?

Discuss your thoughts in the comment section.

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