Friday, July 26, 2024

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Winners & Losers: SmackDown 07.24.20

As a fall out from Extreme Rules, Nikki Cross was still heated from her loss at that event where she wasn’t able to become the SmackDown Women’s Champion. She brought this anger with her to this week’s show. As the show began, Sasha Banks and Bayley made their way to the ring.

Once in the ring they defined what the word Greatness means. Of course it means Sasha Banks and Bayley, but more specifically “the quality or state of being great.”

They then share that the Women’s Evolution era is over and the era of Banks and Bayley is now. Cross would come out and share her grievance of that proclamation. She states that she went into Extreme Rules to grab a title and all she came out of it with is some broken ribs. Bayley tells Cross that she can get a title match against her next week if she were to defeat her best friend Alexa Bliss.

Cross had been nursing her injured ribs throughout the match and Bliss knew that she could focus on that weakness. After a crossbody from Cross landed with nobody home, she played a bit of possum as she quickly would roll up Bliss into a cradle and get the pin for the win. Nikki will get yet another shot against Bayley next week.

After the match, Bliss and Cross at what was at first an awkward conversation backstage. Bliss admitted that Cross deserved this win and got one over on her. The two would hug and then focus on the fact that Cross needs to beat Bayley next week.

The other women of the night revolved around Naomi and Lacey Evans. It was advertised that Naomi would be the guest on Miz TV this week and she would address her recent loss to Evans and her fans causing her to trend on Twitter with the hashtag – #NaomiDeservesBetter. Of course Miz and John Morrison did more mocking of Naomi over being supporting her.

Naomi comments that there has to be a reason why her fans have her back through everything. Through all the bad and the good. The Miz mentions it isn’t the first time Naomi went viral this year. She also went viral when she returned at the Royal Rumble. Morrision chimes in to say she didn’t win that match either. According to the duo the one way that Naomi can overcome this is to start winning.

She states that for the past decade she has been showing up and showing out consistently. She gives it all every time she steps in the ring and that is why her fans always have her back and that is why they want more for her.

Special guest to Miz TV was surprise, surprise – Lacey Evans. Evans enters the ring and starts to taunt Naomi. Evans pulls out her lipstick and compact, and as she is applying it she says that Naomi has been here for a decade and doesn’t have much to show for it. Calls her washed up. Naomi attacks her and the two start to brawl. Naomi stands tall as Evans retreats.

The two will meet next week in the ring.

Next week advertised is also the return of Otis and Mandy Rose with their love story.

Let’s get to the Winners & Losers:

WINNER: Nikki Cross

Cross is the clear winner as she earns her rematch. Everything is going to build towards SummerSlam from here on out, so perhaps they will allow Nikki to win the belt. If that is the case then Sasha and Bayley can just focus on the tag titles. If this pans out then Nikki will probably face Alexa at SummerSlam, but only time will tell how things pan out the next couple of weeks.


For all intents and purposes, Naomi is a winner of the week. The segment was nothing earth shattering, but she did come out looking good from it. We will see if this actually amounts to her winning next week. If not, then what was the point? It is clear they notice what the audience wants, so give it.

LOSER: Alexa Bliss

Storyline wise, Alexa would wind up on the losing end. Nikki is clearly receiving the push at the moment, and just one person out of a tag team getting the push doesn’t look well for the other. Personally I just want heel Alexa back. She doesn’t need to be pushed to the title necessarily but I think her and Nikki could have a nice feud.

What were your thoughts of this week’s SmackDown? Who were your Winners & Losers? Leave your thoughts in the comment section.

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