Saturday, February 8, 2025

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Women of Honor Write-Up (November 1st 2017): Streaming for success

Welcome WOH fans, to another Diva-Dirt Write-Up, of the Women of Honor! This week’s  match represents a historic point in the division as it is the FIRST EVER Women of Honor match to air live on iPPV! This is explained by the commentators for the night, Ian Riccaboni, and The Wrestling Podcast’s Host and Ring of Honor’s own, Colt Cabana.

This bout features Women of Honor favourites Deonna Purrazzo, Jenny Rose and Mandy Leon. They face Sumie Sakai teaming with a resurfacing Faye Jackson and the returning Britt Baker.

The match starts with a loud ‘Brittsburgh’ chants as Global Wars is in Pittsburgh tonight, Britt’s hometown and a cute little name attached to Britt’s t-shirt. All women uphold the ‘Code of Honor’ as we see Sukai and Purrazzo starting off. Though even during their speedy start, the fans were clammering for Britt Baker. Mandy and Faye were next with Faye having the better of their first exchange with the first third of her ‘Triple Spun Milkshake’ and a Spear. Jenny and Baker were the next, the latter of which the fans were happy to see in the match. Both were solidly match, though Britt had some extra sassyness.

The six women would have different exchanges and some added double-team manoeuvres against each other. Though ‘The Virtuosa’ Purrazzo and ‘Brittsburgh’ Baker had the more heated. Both Deonna and Jenny were also on the receiving end of high flying manoeuvres. Firsy from Sakai with a double single dropkick, and next by Jacksonwith a huge diving crossbody!

After some more exchanges from all women, it was Deonna who got the win after getting Faye to submitted to her Fujiwara Armbar, to a rather mixed reaction as the Pittburgh wanted to see her home-girl get the victory.

Thoughts: Despite this match having hype for the returns of Britt Baker and Faye Jackson. As well as it being the first match to be included on one of ROH’s iPPVs. There wasn’t all that much that really made it stand out sad to say. Maybe it was because there just wasn’t enough time for each women to really show us enough? Other than a few women standing out more than others, the most notable cases being Britt, Deonna and Faye.

Britt understandably being the focal point woman out of the six include. Not just from her louder reactions, but for showing the most out all the women. Faye also showed a lot which the people seemed to appreciate, despite not appearing for the Women of Honor for quite sometime. I honestly felt for myself she had an equally great showing to that of Baker. It was great to see both back for the Women of Honor!

Deonna was the main woman from her team to show the most, as well as get the victory for her team. Other than that, Mandy, Jenny and Sumie, while still showing something, didn’t sadly contribute a huge deal for their teams.

While this was an interesting exchange, it could have had the potential to be a lot more than it ended up being. But that is just my opinions on the matter, they all can’t be winners unfortunately. I’m definitely sure all of them will have better bouts in the future.

But what did you all think? Did you enjoy the match more than myself? Would you like to see Britt Baker make more appearances with ROH and the Women of Honor? Who were your favourites of the match and why? And more importantly, do you want to see the Women of Honor on more future iPPVs and regular PPVs? As always, let us know in the comments below!

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