Friday, July 26, 2024

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Women of Honor Champion Kelly Klein reportedly fired by ROH *Updated*

Update: Kelly Klein is now clarifying in multiple tweets that she was not made to wrestle in Africa while concussed. You can follow the tweet below for the full thread.

It is being said that current (and three-time) Women of Honor Champion Kelly Klein has been fired from ROH. This is coming directly from Klein’s husband B.J. Whitmer who is currently a coach for AEW and a former ROH Tag Team Champion. Per Whitmer, Klein has indeed been fired by ROH’s COO Joe Koff via email. She is still currently suffering from Post Concussion Syndrome.

Earlier in the month, we reported on the accusations from former employee Joey Mercury that General Manager, Greg Gilleland did not have the correct injury protocols in place. ROH was allowing Klein to fly to South Africa and wrestle while concussed.

Klein has recently spoken up and agreed to the many issues that ROH has been having as of late that Mercury has been tweeting about. Along with working while injured, there were also discussions on salary and an implication that all women wrestlers in the company are required to be paid the same amount.

Here is Klein’s response on Twitter for speaking out about these concerns within ROH:

ROH has responded to Klein being fired as they have responded to PWInsider’s inquiry on the matter.

“We don’t generally discuss personal issues but they seem to have made it public – we didn’t fire [Kelly Klein], we just notified her that we would not be renewing her contract.”

Klein’s contract is being reported by PWInsider as being up on Dec. 31.

There has been no further word on the status of the WOH Championship at this time.

What are your thoughts on what has taken place? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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