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Women of the Year 2015: Santana Garrett

Every hour until the clock strikes midnight (Eastern time) and we usher in 2016, Diva Dirt will highlight – in no particular order – the women who made an impact in 2015.

Santana Garrett

An argument can be made for quality over quantity in most situations, but when it comes to Santana Garrett’s year, the two found a happy marriage.

The former TNA Knockout (previously known as Brittany) has returned to the indies with a vengeance, and her first full year back in the scene has served as a reminder of why TNA wanted her in the first place: her indefatigable drive and undeniable skill.

Santana won a whopping seven titles this year, reigning over divisions all the way from small Florida indies and SHINE to Tokyo-based STARDOM. Over the course of 93 recorded matches in 2015, Santana managed to win the SHINE Championship, the NWA World Women’s Championship, the CWE Vixen’s Championship, the NPW Women’s Championship, the OPW Women’s Championship, the Battling Bombshells Championship and the Wonder of STARDOM Championship. She didn’t leave the year with all of those belts in her possession, but the five she still holds are certainly nothing to overlook.

The NWA World Women’s Title win kicked off her year of success, taking place at an event in February. Before dropping the belt in mid-December, Santana defended it an impressive 45 times, often putting it on the line in Title vs. Title matches that would earn her other belts. One of those instances took place at SHINE 26 in April, where she defeated Mia Yim in a stunning match that served as a harbinger of the year that was to come.

Santana’s OPW, NPW and CWE title wins made her the inaugural champion for each. These feats showed her trailblazing spirit: she’s ready, willing and eager to wrestle wherever she can, building up women’s divisions in smaller promotions and providing opportunities to female wrestlers not ready to grace the cards of SHIMMER, SHINE, and the like. To win the Battling Bombshells Championship, Santana defeated another well-traveled indy star: La Rosa Negra. This put an end to her 910-day reign and breathed new life into the title, as it hadn’t been defended since 2013.

Her final title win of 2015 took place in Fukuoka, Japan at a November STARDOM event. There, Santana defeated Io Shirai, putting her firmly at the top of the Japanese promotion. By bringing the title home to America, Santana continues STARDOM’s mission to expand stateside and ensures that many high quality Joshi matches are in her future.

Santana’s mission appears to be that of an ambassador, and it fits: she’s experienced most of what wrestling can offer, from the bright lights of TNA and all-women promotions like SHINE to small indy promotions scattered through the United States and pedigreed Joshi promotions in Japan. No matter where she goes or how many titles she collects on her journey, it can be assured that Santana will spread the gospel of women’s wrestling, inspiring interest in the sport and producing opportunities for the stars of tomorrow.

Come back at the top of every hour to see who else has been crowned 2015’s WOTY.

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