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WWE & TNA House Show Rundown: Results from June 9th – June 12th, 2011

Having trouble keeping up with all of the mainstream women’s wrestling that takes place off TV? Well fear no more! Diva Dirt has got your back with the House Show Round-Up! Without any further ado, let’s kick things off!

This weekend, we had not only Raw, not only Smackdown, but TNA represented as well! Raw saw a mix of matches, as Divas Champion, Brie, as well as Nikki, faced off against Kelly Kelly and Beth Phoenix for the majority. However, a special appearance from Eve Torres may prove to be the deciding factor in the bout.

Over on Smackdown, as they toured both Italy and Spain, fans were treated to a match between Natalya and Alicia Fox. No managers, no distractions, just a simple one on one contest that has been cut short whenever shown on television.

TNA even graced fans with a house show, as they promoted their ‘Basebrawl’ event held in Marion, Illinois. The night saw former best friends collide, as Velvet Sky took on the zombified, Angelina Love, with the lovely…talented…elegant…perfect…Winter, in her corner.

This past weekend’s house show results below:

Thursday June 9th

Smackdown in Turin, Italy
Natalya b. Alicia Fox (Source)

Friday June 10th

Raw in Syracuse, NY

Kelly Kelly & Beth Phoenix b. The Bella Twins
” Next Justin Roberts announced our guest hostess for the show, Eve Torres. She comes out and wow she is in a nice purple/black dress and looked as hot as ever. She announced that later in the show 4 fans would be picked to be in a contest [the usual dance contest for prizes]. At this point out come the Bella Twins to run their mouths and talk down to the hostess routine when Kelly Kelly and Beth Phoenix come out to Eve’s aid. This leads us to our next match:

– Kelly Kelly/ Beth Phoenix v. The Bellas – standard divas match. The kids were loving the faces and hating on the Bellas al though all were hot. Kelly played the face in peril until making the hot tag to Beth, who cleaned house. At one point the Bellas tried to leave and Eve threw them in the ring. After Beth hits a beautiful slingshot suplex, ala Tully Blanchard, Kelly gets the pin and the win. After the match Beth goes out and hugs Rick the sign guy.” (Source)

TNA in Marion, IL
Velvet Sky w/ Kevin Hunsperger defeated Angelina Love w/ Winter

“Kevin won the “Be a Manager” contest from ESPN Radio. He’s an anchor for WSIL TV. What could be said about this match. There was a ton of interference from Winter, and Angelina was doing a bunch of no selling due to her zombie character. Combined with Velvet’s slow-looking offense, and it just wasn’t a good match. Plus, the ringside fans seemed more interested in chanting for Kevin, as he’s a well known personality, at least in the section I was at. I believe the ending saw a failed interference attempt form Winter, which led to Velvet rolling Angelina up for the win.” (Source)

Saturday June 11

Raw in Rochester, NY
Kelly Kelly & Eve b. The Bella Twins (Source)

Smackdown in Barcelona, Spain
Natalya b. Alicia Fox (Source)

Sunday June 12

Raw in Bethlehem, PA
Kelly Kelly & Beth Phoenix b. The Bella Twins (Source)

Smackdown in Madrid, Spain
Natalya b. Alicia Fox (Source)


Thoughts: A lot of house shows this weekend it seems, but it’s a great way to make money so I suppose it’s a good thing. Raw looks pretty interesting to me, especially the detailed recap from Syracuse. I like the inclusion of Eve in the middle of the match as it’s something unique for a house show, so definite thumbs up. Smackdown tends to use as few people as possible when they go on a tour so seeing a singles match doesn’t surprise me. Natalya is probably a great representation to take over as she gets a good reception and she is established. TNA looks good, although, (if you read the full report) it sucks to hear that the weather was so humid out as I’m sure wrestling in that heat can certainly alter a performance in the ring.

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